Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on Frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36”X36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36”x36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36”x36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”

Acrylic on five layers of frosted Mylar, 36" x 36"

Acrylic on four layers of frosted Mylar, 44" x 36"

Acrylic on three layers of frosted Mylar, 17 1/2" x 17 1/2"

Acrylic on four layers of frosted Mylar, 17 1/2" x 17 1/2"

Hand cut and acrylic on five layers of frosted Mylar
36" x 36"

Five layers of hand cut and acrylic paint of frosted Mylar, 36" x 36"

Five layers of hand cut and acylic painted frosted Mylar
36" X 36"

#2, 2016
Detail shot

Detail shot

# 1, 2016
Acrylic on four layers of frosted Mylar, 36" x 36"

#2, 2016
Acrylic on three layers of frosted Mylar

Beyond nothingness, 2016
Pan pastel on four layers of frosted Mylar, 18" x 18

Beyond nothingness, 2016
Detail shot

Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on Frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” X 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36”X36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36”x36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36”x36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on frosted Mylar, 36” x 36”
Acrylic on five layers of frosted Mylar, 36" x 36"
Acrylic on four layers of frosted Mylar, 44" x 36"
Acrylic on three layers of frosted Mylar, 17 1/2" x 17 1/2"
Acrylic on four layers of frosted Mylar, 17 1/2" x 17 1/2"
Hand cut and acrylic on five layers of frosted Mylar
36" x 36"
Five layers of hand cut and acrylic paint of frosted Mylar, 36" x 36"
Five layers of hand cut and acylic painted frosted Mylar
36" X 36"
#2, 2016
Detail shot
Detail shot
# 1, 2016
Acrylic on four layers of frosted Mylar, 36" x 36"
#2, 2016
Acrylic on three layers of frosted Mylar
Beyond nothingness, 2016
Pan pastel on four layers of frosted Mylar, 18" x 18
Beyond nothingness, 2016
Detail shot